In “the Innovation Maze”, Gijs Van Wulfen says there are two innovation sweet-spots, one more proactive, the other more crisis-driven. Where are you at?

We all know there are plenty of methods and claims from consultancies offering the latest golden bullet. It’s less well-known that credible research on creativity dates back to the mid-1950s. Your odds of success are raised with a holistic approach, aligned to strategy, properly resourced, supported by senior leaders with business accountability, and powered by a diverse and motivated mix of your own people, who are accountable for the outcomes.
Build your resilience and future focus
Our ABCD model outlines our services. At the core is our work on leadership behaviours and mindset. We help you find ways to create your future while delivering in the present.
Hover over the diagram to navigate where you want.
The demands on your leaders have changed. They:
- Deal with more ‘wicked’ problems – messy, multi-causal and with no single right solution. These require agreement between people on how to proceed.
- Do not have all the answers, but have the role of enabling problem solving through their people.
- Are expected to provide others with job and career development, through coaching, mentoring and other means of learning.
- Work with a more diverse workforce in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, interests and expectations.
Our approach
We help your leaders to:
- Develop a meaningful purpose that attracts people to the work itself.
- Use their power in a mature way, connecting others to people and information, and acting as a conduit to help others feel more powerful, in service of the work.
- Develop a coaching style of leading others.
- Learn design-thinking approaches that raise others’ motivation levels and develop novel ideas.
- Improve their climate for innovation using the Situational Outlook Questionnaire®.