Boost collaboration quickly and effectively

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Adaption-Innovation looks at our preference for more incremental, more moderate, or more radical change. And it’s measurable, using the KAI inventory.

When people learn about their own, and others’, preferred style of problem solving, they start to think about effective collaboration. By understanding more about this, and harnessing those differences, you can increase the odds of successful collaboration and reduced conflict.

Our feedback to thousands of people who’ve completed this inventory has convinced us that understanding adaption-innovation preference:

  • Helps people select work that suits their style.
  • Builds resilience through greater self-awareness of what satisfies and what causes stress.
  • Improves collaboration and innovation.

By asking people to work in their preferred style most of the time, you will reduce stress and increase effectiveness. In turn, this will help you retain good staff and get the best out of your teams.


See this video for an overview of adaption-innovation and collaboration.


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