Rob Sheffield
Rob Sheffield works in leadership development, innovation facilitation and research. In 3 decades he has delivered more than 200 leadership programmes and worked with more than 3,000 leaders.
He works with leaders at all levels, helping create workplaces that turn ideas into value, and build innovation capabilities for now and the future. Rob is certified in multiple leadership and innovation frameworks and has worked with leaders in healthcare, energy, education, professional services and business services, nationally and internationally.
His work develops strong self-awareness for leaders and emphasises the quality of conversations and relationships they need to be effective. Rob believes that effective leadership is usually based on trusting relationships, emerging from honest and supportive conversations. He is a visiting Fellow at the Bristol Business School, University of the West of England.

Gina Burns
Gina Burns is a leadership coach with extensive experience of leadership and talent development, facilitation and coaching. She is a Chartered Psychologist with a corporate background in HR consulting and leadership development.
Gina’s approach is to ‘walk alongside you’; co-creating a collaborative learning relationship that provides a supportive, dynamic and reflective space for clients to challenge themselves, innovate, develop and grow. She has particular expertise in developing leaders’ coaching capability, neurodiversity and inclusive leadership.
Recent client work has ranged from individual and group leadership coaching in the NHS through to running an international leadership programme for a global consulting firm. She also retains an Associate Lecturer role in Bristol Business School, UWE.

Anita Gulati
An experienced organisational psychologist, facilitator and coach for inclusive leadership, team based and organisational change. Anita has worked with many organisations and sectors over the last 40 years both on a UK and international basis.
She also has an extensive background in R&D for strategic development and complex evaluations of social impact.
Anita coaches at senior levels, supporting entrepreneurs in regenerative business and social enterprise in particular. She is passionate about supporting enterprise for sustainability and resilience.
Anita has achieved ILM L7 for coaching and is currently in the process of developing her skills with respect to embodied and systemic coaching for profound change. She is a visiting Fellow at the Bristol Business School, University of the West of England.

Jem Peel
Jem is a coach, facilitator and organisational development consultant. He has a strong track record as a developer of senior teams and leaders operating across organisational boundaries.
His experience spans many sectors and industries, including health and social care, banking, energy, aerospace and charity.
At the heart of Jem’s practice is the idea that leadership is an emergent phenomenon. It occurs in the interactive spaces that connect us. Accordingly, Jem specialises in the design and facilitation of large-scale dialogic processes – changing organisations and systems by changing conversations!

Sara Pieters
Sara Pieters is a Belgian based creativity and innovation expert, facilitator, keynote speaker and author.
With her expansive knowledge and passion, she helps organisations & their teams to develop their creative potential and she guides innovation processes in the right direction. She loves to create vibrant environments in which people, ideas and dreams can flourish to the maximum. And in doing so, working towards resilient, future-proof companies.
She carries an array of tools, including the FORTH innovation method, the business model canvas, innovation games and various design thinking tools. She is the author of ‘ZEZEL the new way of innovating’ and co-author of ‘Creativiteit Hoe? Zo!’.

Ella Sheffield
Ella is a recent film graduate, with a specialist focus on directing, script writing and idea development.
Using this creative grounding, she also has experience in digital design, marketing, video production and editing. With a keen eye for design, Ella has also freelanced as a graphic designer, creating work from promotional materials to book covers. Ella helps Bluegreen Learning with marketing and production of digital content.

James Snelgrove
James is an innovation specialist with a passion for building innovation ecosystems and integrating systems-level approaches.
He has a more than a decade of experience in leading transformative change in complex environments, spanning multiple industries from local government, to investment banking and tech start-ups. He has worked with strategic leaders to develop regional innovation policy and governance programmes, and co-founded collaborative networks to unlock new forms of systems leadership.
Core to James’ work is the conviction that innovation is a driver for planetary flourishing and human wellbeing. His approach is collaborative and exploratory, with a focus on unlocking the potential within others. He is deeply committed to building a sustainable, prosperous, equitable future, and helping people to gain insight into the interconnectedness of the world.